Tense Rules With Examples in English Grammar :

Tense Rules With Examples in English Grammar : Friends! English Tense is Grammar’s most important and most basic topic. Today the influence of the English language is increasing day by day. Whether it is the field of Job or Education, English language is becoming a very important language.

English Speaking or English Writing is not possible without knowledge of Tense. This is why Tense is started to be taught only in small classes. So that there is no problem in speaking and writing in English. Anyway guys! Many Students do not understand this important topic of Tense due to lack of correct information.

And because of this, They start finding English very difficult subjects. They get nervous as soon as they hear the name of English. But, Never mind friends! After Today, You will never be afraid of English, but if You have the right knowledge of Tense, then you will find English easier.

In today’s Article we are presenting you very easy Rules and Examples of Tense. After practicing them, you will be able to gain good command on the tense. So let’s start with – How to learn Tense Rules With Examples in English Grammar .

What is Tense :

What is Tense : Friends! Tense has a simple meaning in Hindi – Time. We can say that Tense is directly related to Time. As we take some examples to understand :

1. Ram plays football. 2. Ram played football. 3. Ram will play football.

What do you find when you read these three sentences carefully :

Sentence – 1. It uses s/es with the verb ‘Play‘ which shows the Present Time. This simply means that Ram is currently playing football.

Sentence – 2. In this, the 2nd form of verb ‘Play‘ is used which shows the Past Time. It simply means that Ram used to play football in the Past, not Today.

Sentence – 3. In this, the use of will/shall with the Ist form of the verb ‘Play‘ states that this is Future Time. This simply means that Ram will play football in the times to come.

so friends ! You saw that Ram is doing the work of playing football at different times. The tense indicates the relationship of the work done over time.

In other words, we can say that Tense shows us the Time of Action Whatever Action we do such as Eating, Drinking, Laughing, Crying, Bathing, Reading, Playing Etc.

  • Verb form that denotes theTime of Action, that is called Tense in English Grammar.
  • The form of the verb that tells the time when the work is happening, whether an action is currently happening or is going to happen in the past or tomorrow.

Types Of Tense :

As we now know that Tense shows the Time of Action. So there are three types of Tense based on time which we can understand as follows:

Present Tense The time that is going on.
Past TenseThe time that has passed.
Future Tense The time that is coming.

Present Tense :

This Tense gives a sense of Present or Running time. When some form of the verb indicates that an action is taking place in the running time, then that form of the verb is called Present Tense. like :

  • She gives me a pen.
  • We go to market.

Past Tense :

This Tense tells the Past Time, that is, when a work has been completed in the past, then that form of the verb is called past tense. like :

  • She gave me a pen.
  • We went to market.

Future Tense :

This Tense indicates the Future or Coming time. When a work is going to happen in future time, then that form of action will be called future time. like :

  • She will give me a pen.
  • We shall go to Market.

Further again each Tense is divided into four equal parts as follows:

Indefinite Tense :

In this Tense, it is not known at what time an Action started and by when it will be completed. That is, the time for the action is not fix or definite, that is why it is called Indefinite Tense.

Continuous Tense :

In this Tense, the action continues continuously, but in this, there is no idea of ​​the beginning and completion of the action.

Perfect Tense :

In this Tense, the completion of Action is known, hence it is called Perfect Time / Tense.

Perfect Continuous Tense :

This Tense is not only Perfect but also Continuous. It means that the action continues continuously in it and it is revealed to continue continuously beyond that.

Thus, we find that Tense has a total of 3 Types and 12 Sub-Types (3 x 4 = 12).

Verb Forms :

Verb in English Grammar has three forms which are as follows:

1st Go, Come, Write, Play, Wash, Buy, Sell, Eat etc.Present
2ndWent, Came, Wrote, Played, Washed, Bought, Sold, Ate etc.Past
3rdGone, Come, Written, Played, Washed, Bought, Sold, Eaten etc.Past Participle

Through the table given below, you can understand the different forms of the verb :

TensePresent Past Future
Indefiniteeat (s/es)ate will / shall + eat
Continuousis /are/am + eatingwas / were + eatingwill / shall + be + eating
Perfecthas / have + eatenhad + eatenwill / shall + have + eaten
Perfect Continuoushas / have + been + eatinghad + been + eatingwill / shall + been + eating

Some Important Rules about Verb Form :

  • Present Indefinite tense always has s/es with 1st form of verb like : eats, writed, thinks, goes, comes etc.
  • Past Indefinite always uses the 2nd form of the verb such as : ate, wrote, thought, went, came etc.
  • Continuous Tense always uses ing with the 1st form of the verb such as : eating, writing, thinking, going etc.
  • Perfect Tense always has 3rd form of verb like : eaten, written, thought, gone, come, etc.
  • Perfect Continuous Tense always uses been and ing with the 1st form of verb like : been eating / writing /thinking / going / coming etc.

Friends! Till now we have learned about Tense. Now we tell you about Sentence because it is important to know about the Sentence that is made in all these 12 types of tenses.

What is Sentence :

A group of words that reveal a complete meaning, that is, a group of words that must have some meaning, is called Sentence. Let us tell you that four types of sentences are made in each Tense, which is as follows:

Types of Sentence :

  • Affirmative or Simple Sentence : These are simple sentences like : – She cooks Food.
  • Negetive Sentence : Negetive means “Not” used in them, so these are called negative sentences. like : – She doses not cook Food.
  • Interrogative Sentence : These are interrogative sentences and always starts with a helping verb such as : – Does She cook Food.
  • Interrogative Negetive Sentence : These are interrogative as well as negative sentences. Being a questioner, this sentence always starts with a helping verb and being negative also uses a ‘Not‘ like : –Does She not cook Food.

Friends! Hope you have already understood about Tense. We saw that there are mainly 3 types of Tense and further divided into four parts, making it a total of 12 sub-types. In further notes, we will discuss all these types of tenses in detail.

Our aim is not only to give you information about Tense, but also to fully explain Tense to you in an easy way. So that you will never face any problem in the Tense again. Because Tense learning is very important to understand English.

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