Correct Spellings Rules with Examples in English Grammar

Hello friends! Today we are going to discuss you a very basic topic of English grammar. Which is a very small topic to know, but it is of great importance in itself. Today we are going to learn about Correct Spellings Rules with Examples in English Grammar.

This topic is very important from competitive examinations point of view. Common error spelling is often given in the examination and then it is asked to correct. In which most of the students get confused. So today we are telling you about the English spelling rules. So let’s start :

Rules of English Spellings with Examples

Friends! Correct Spelling is very important to write English. Spelling consists of several letters. And if all these letters are correct then a correct spelling is created.

We all know that alphabet in English has 26 letters. We can divide them into two parts :

  1. Vowels
  2. Consonants





In this way, you saw that out of these 26 letters of alphabet, there are 05 letters Vowels, while the remaining 21 letters are called Consonants.

Friends! There are some English Spelling Rules, keeping in mind that you can succeed in writing correct spelling. So let’s learn : Correct Spellings Rules with Examples in English Grammar.

Rule : 1.

  • Double the consonant : If a word has only one syllable of one vowel and only one consonant comes immediately after it, then that last consonant is doubled before suffix. like :
Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
Run +ing =Running
Sad +est =Saddest
Beg +ar =Beggar
  • Double the consonant : If a word has more than one syllable ending with a vowel and a consonant, the final consonant is doubled before suffix, when stress is hitting the last syllable. like :
Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
Begin +ing =Beginning
Recur +ing =Recurring

Exceptions :

Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
Open +ing =Opening
Answer +ing =Answering
  • Double the consonant : If a word has the last letter “L” and has one or two vowels before it, the last consonant “L” is doubled before applying suffix. like :
Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
Signal +ing =Signalling
Travel +er =Traveller
Quarrel +ed =Quarrelled
Dial + ed =Dialled

Rule : 2.

  • If a word has the last letter “y” and any consonant before it, the last letter “y” is changed into “i” before the suffix is applied. like :
Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
Happy + ly =Happily
Marry +age =Marriage
Beauty +ful =Beautiful

Exceptions :

Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
Shy + ness =Shyness
Dry +ness =Dryness
Marry +ing =Marrying
Carry +ing =Carrying
  • But if the last letter in a word is “y” and there is a vowel before it, there is no change in it. like :
Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
Play + ed =Played
Play +er =Player
Obey +ed =Obeyed
Pray +er =Prayer

Rule : 3.

  • If the last letter of a word is “LL” and suffix – “full” is added to it, the second “L” is removed:
Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
Skill + full =Skilful
Will +full =Wilful

Rule : 4.

  • If the last letter of a word is “e” and a consonant precedes it, then the last “e” is removed before the suffix that starts with the vowel. like :
Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
Live + ing =Living
Move +ing =Moving
Hope +ing =Hoping
  • But if the last letter of a word is “e” and a consonant comes before it, that last “e” is removed before the suffix that starts with the consonant. like :
Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
Hope + ful =Hopeful
Fortunate +ly =Fortunately

Exceptions :

Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
True + ly =Truly
Whole +ly =Wholly
Due +ly =Duly

Rule : 5.

  • If the last letter of a word is “ge” or “ce”, there is no change in the last letter “e” by applying suffix starting with a, o. like :
Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
Replace +able =Replaceable
Courage +ous =Courageous
  • If the last letter of a word is “ce”, the last letter “e” is changed into “i” when suffix – “ous” is applied. like :
Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
Grace + ous =Gracious
Malice +ous =Malicious
  • If the last letter of a word is “ee”, then “e” is not dropped while applying suffix. like :
Word +Suffix =Correct Spelling
Agree + ing =Agreeing
Agree +ment =Agreement

So guys! These are some special rules. Keeping those in mind, you can avoid the spelling mistake. Only one incorrect letter in the spelling can change its meaning.

Often spelling with an incorrect letter is given in the exam. And students are asked to correct it. Lack of these spelling rules can be a bit difficult for you. Therefore, you should not take this topic lightly and practice it well.

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Hope you have got good knowledge about “Correct Spellings Rules with Examples” now. You have to keep these rules in mind along with memorising spelling. So that you will be able to avoid spelling mistake to a great extent. Because it is a little difficult to remember and keep all the spellings.

Please, share this important spelling chapter with your friends. So that they can also do spelling correctly with the help of these rules. Thank you!

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